Synology DS209+ uPNP Re-indexing media files

Running a Synology 209+ with DSM 2.1-0832 to stream video to PS3.

Video streaming was working fine and then one night can’t stream via uPNP to playstation as no files were listed.  On the 209+ interface under uPNP it was saying: Re-indexing media files

Appears to have been like that for quite some time and wasn’t resolving it self.

Upgraded the PS 3 from version 2.60 to 2.70 which was just released (not updated on their website yet) but that didn’t help.

Looking on the Synology forums it appears that a number of people have had the same issue so I checked to see if there is new firmware for the 209+.

Upgraded 209+ from DSM 2.1-0832 to DSM 2.1-0839

It worked!  Whilst the interface for the 209+ was showing “Rebooting” for 5 minutes the PS3 picked up the videos via uPNP and could play them for a bit… until playback stopped and had to reboot the PS3 to get it back to normal.

After reboot went back to media servers and searched again and couldn’t find the disk station this time. Scanned a second time and the 209+ was picked up.

But…. once again “Re-indexing media files…”.  Looking for a resolution.


Dell DRAC console not working

Racadm can be used to reset a Dell DRAC card when you cannot get a virtual console.  The RACADM command can be found on the system management CD which came with the Dell systems.

Sometimes for some unknown reason connection to the console via the java interface does not work.  The DRAC needs resetting with racadm.


C:\Program Files\DELL\SysMgt\RAC>racadm



RACADM version 5.0.0 (Build 000781)

Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Dell, Inc.

All Rights Reserved



Remote RACADM usage syntax:


 racadm -r <RAC IP address> -u <username> -p <password> <subcommand> <options>

 racadm -r <RAC IP address> -i <subcommand> <options>


 The “-i” option allows the username and password to be entered interactively.




 racadm -r -u racuser1 -p aygqt12a getsysinfo

 racadm -r -u racuser2 -p gsdf12o1 getractime

 racadm -r -u racuser3 -p djh2iuha getconfig -g cfgSerial

 racadm -r -u racuser5 -p dsajkhds help getsysinfo


Display a list of available subcommands for the remote RAC:


 racadm -r <RAC IP address> -u <username> -p <password> help


Display more detailed help for a specific subcommand:


 racadm -r <RAC IP address> -u <username> -p <password> help <subcommand>